- Webshop
- Side effects database
- Pollination
Crop Protection
Plant Pests
- Shallot aphid
- Rose aphid
- Blueberry aphid
- Blackcurrant aphid
- Strawberry aphid
- Mottled arum aphid
- Buckthorn-potato aphid
- Black bean aphid
- Oleander aphid
- Large blackberry aphid
- Large raspberry aphid
- Geranium aphid
- Yellow rose aphid
- Woolly apple aphid
- Apple rosy aphid
- Potato aphid
- Glasshouse potato aphid
- Cotton aphid
- Tobacco aphid
- Green peach aphid
- Beetles
- Caterpillars
- Flies
- Bugs
- Leafhoppers
- Leaf miners
- Mealybugs and scales
- Psyllids
- Spider mites and other mites
- Thrips
- Whitefly
Disease control
- Foot rot of cereals
- Fusarium spp.
- Early blight
- Bacterial soft rot, bacterial stem rot
- Pierce's disease of grapevine
- Bacterial spot
- Angular leaf spot
- Verticillium wilt
- Apple scab
- Loose smut of barley
- Loose smut of wheat
- Wheat bunt
- Dwarf bunt
- Cottony soft rot
- Crazy roots, hairy roots, crown gall
- Bacterial wilt, brown rot
- Pea blight, leaf and pod spot
- Damping-off
- Leaf stripe
- Powdery mildew
- Phytophthora blight
- Black root rot of cucurbits
- Root and crown rot of strawberry
- Glume blotch
- Fusarium wilt
- Fusarium head blight or scab
- Gummy stem blight
- Bacterial canker of tomato
- Grey mould
- Downy mildew of Cucurbits
- Biological Pest Control
- Plant Disease Management
- Plant Health
- Crop Monitoring and Scouting
- Biological seed treatment
Plant Pests
- Crops
- Additives
- Application products
- Disease control products
- Deltatrap
- Drososan
- Funnel Trap Economy
- Funnel Trap Standard
- Pherodis Fruit Fly Attractant
- Horiver Wetstick
- Horiver Disc
- Horiver Drystick
- Lurem-TR
- Moskisan
- Pherodis
- Picusan
- Horiver Rollertrap
- Tutasan
- Garden Chafer Trap
- Castellation Trap
- McPhail Trap
- Carrot Fly Trap
- Raspberry Beetle Trap
- Bruchid Beetle Trap
- Pea and Bean Weevil Trap
Pest control products
- Capyphor
- Anso-Mite
- Anso-Mite Plus
- Aphidalia
- Aphidend
- Aphilin
- Aphipar
- Aphipar-M
- Aphiscout
- Capirel
- Casea
- Capsanem
- Citripar
- Chrysopa
- Chrysopa-E
- Cryptobug-L
- Cryptobug
- Enermix
- En-Strip
- Entomite-M
- Entonem
- Ercal
- Ervibank
- Ervipar
- Larvanem
- Limonica
- Macro-Mite
- Miglyphus
- Minusa
- Mirical
- Mirical-N
- Montdo-Mite
- Mycotal
- Rophoria
- Scia-Rid
- Spical
- Spical-Plus
- Spical Ulti-Mite
- Spidend
- Spidex
- Spidex Vital
- Spidex Vital Plus
- Spidex Boost
- Sportnem-H
- Sportnem-T
- Swirski-Mite
- Swirski-Mite LD
- Swirski-Mite Plus
- Swirski Ulti-Mite
- Syrphidend
- Thripex
- Thripex-Plus
- Thripex-V
- Thripor-L
- Plant growth promotion & crop resilience products
- Pollination products
- News & Information