Autographa gamma

Silver-Y moth

Silver-Y moth Autographa gamma Adult stage
Silver-Y moth Autographa gamma Adult stage


The silver-Y moth (Autographa gamma) is a migrant moth that appears in northern parts of Europe until November, migrating back to southern Europe for the winter months. The moths can fly 2,000 to 2,500 km. In temperate climates, the species produces one to two overlapping generations, and it is the second generation that inflicts much damage to agricultural crops, particularly brassicas, from August onward. The silver-Y moth (Autographa gamma) feeds on plants of 14 families and is sometimes also encountered in greenhouse crops such as sweet pepper, lettuce, beans, chrysanthemums and various other ornamental crops, where they can cause considerable damage.

Life cycle and appearance of Silver-Y moth

The forewings of the silver-Y moth (Autographa gammahave varied markings, from different shades of brown to grey, but the most distinctive feature is the irregular white mark. The hindwings are brown with a broad, dark band along the margin. The body is light brown and hairy, the antennae are long and thin. The moths fly during the day as well as at night, often in large swarms. They fly rapidly from flower to flower, often resting with their wings folded roof-like above the body.

The female lays up to 2,000 eggs on the underside of the leaves of their host plant, usually separately but sometimes in small groups. These eggs are a greyish white, suffused with a blue-grey in the middle and they have irregular surface ridging. The caterpillars have a small head that is grey-green to brownish green, sometimes with a black lateral line. The body has stiff hairs and is usually greenish with a light lateral line. Below the lateral line there is a dark dot on each segment. Dorsally there are alternating light and dark stripes. A characteristic feature of this caterpillar is the oscillatory swaying movement of the anterior end. The caterpillars are nocturnal. When the caterpillar is full-grown, it will form a greenish to black pupa, either in leaves which are woven together with silk threads, or in a suitable hiding place spun somewhere in greenhouse material.