Use APHISCOUT to combat aphid pests in Strawberries.
Aphid pests are a major threat to protected strawberry production because of their high reproductive potential and their ability to transmit plant virus diseases. Aphids also excrete unwanted sap sugars (honeydew) on the leaf surface, which favours the establishment of ‘sooty moulds’, leading to a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis. Collectively, these effects can have a negative impact on strawberry plant quality and crop yields.
Discuss aphid control options with your Koppert consultant to ensure that your IPM programmes are comprehensive and robust, and able to combat all aphid species that can occur in commercial strawberry crops.
The strawberry aphid (Chaetosiphon fragaefolii) is a threat, due to its ability to transmit several economically important persistent and semi-persistent viruses
To prevent the development of aphid colonies and virus transmission, regular introductions of Aphiscout should start as soon as the temperature within the covered cropping area reaches at least 16oC, for a few hours a day.

Five species in one application.
Aphiscout contains a mix of five aphid parasite species in a cardboard tube.
The five parasitic wasps in Aphiscout are:
Praon volucre, Aphidius colemani, Aphidius ervi, Aphelinus abdominalis and Ephedrus cerasicola.
A total of 250 wasps are released over 1-2 weeks, depending on temperature.
This team of parasitic wasps has not been selected at random, and only the best made it through the selection process. The parasitic wasps have also had the best preparation for the scouting mission ahead, thanks to the nectar pad within the Aphiscout container. This nectar pad provides the newly-emerged parasitic wasps with energy-providing sugar water for the task ahead.

In addition to the nectar pad, the cylindrical packaging also has a unique hanging system. The label around the APHISCOUT container consists of two layers. The outer adhesive film layer can be removed, starting at the upper right corner. Hang the cylinder horizontally by winding the label around a crop wire, plant cane or plant stem, and sticking back onto itself.
Progressive strategy
Each parasitic wasp has its own field of expertise. It will be clear from the parasitized aphid which of the species was responsible, and this will help decide which strategy to pursue for aphid control as the season progresses. Aphiscout can be introduced as a solo treatment, or integrated with other aphid control measures, either biological or selective aphicide sprays.
If required, a boost to the population of a specific aphid parasite can be achieved by introducing APHIPAR, APHIPAR-M, APHELIN, or ERVIPAR. If aphid colonies are detected during weekly crop scouting sessions, it may be necessary to supplement the programme with Chrysopa (Chrysoperla carnea) or Aphidend (Aphidoletes aphidimyza).
For further advice on the implementation of an aphid biocontrol programme, contact your Koppert Technical Consultant.
Rate of use: Introduce 1 tube/400 m2 and repeat every 7-14 days
Environmental conditions: Active between 16 - 30°C
Storage and handling: 1-2 days
Storage temperature: 8 - 10°C
Appearance: Various black, brown and yellow adult parasitic wasps, other stages develop inside the host
Mode of action: Female parasitic wasps prey on the aphids
Visible effect: Parasitized aphids swell up and solidify into a leathery black, grey or brown-coloured mummy, from which the adult wasp will emerge after a short period The first mummies will be visible in the crop around two weeks after the parasitic wasps have been introduced.