The plant controls the root zone
Trianum and Vidi Parva work together to optimise root establishment, and Trichoderma harzianum T-22 colonisation. Repeated research and field trials have demonstrated the importance of promoting and maintaining a healthy and resilient relationship between the plant, soil and microbes.
The loss and reduced efficiency of many pesticides and inorganic control options, has led growers and agronomists to see the benefits of the proactive NatuGro approach, where the rapid establishment of the plant/soil/environment relationship is key for plant health and resilience, including:
- Root diseases: Pythium, Sclerotinia, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia
- Uptake of nutrients and water
- Stress resilience
- Crop quality and uniformity
Get the roots active, and the beneficial microbes will flourish
- Start early in the propagation and production cycle
- Stimulate root tips and exudate formation with Vidi Parva
- Maximise the benefits of Trianum, with strong colonisation
- Stimulate the crop with biostimulant Fortafol
The NatuGro triangle is a systemic system, using three Koppert products, which work in unison to get the best out of the crop.
NatuGro optimises the synergistic relationship between the plant and its environment, both above and below the ground. As crops become more resilient and balanced, many opportunities become available. This results in numerous long-term benefits, including a greater tolerance for plant stress, improvements in yield and quality, and a reduced dependency on inorganic inputs in the management of pests, diseases and nutrients.
The Triangle

The objective is to generate and maintain a healthy and active root zone, in which the crop is stimulated to produce new roots, which in turn release exudates and sugars to support beneficial soil life. The NatuGro products work in unison to promote and support a healthy relationship between the plant, growing media and soil life. Vidi Parva stimulates root growth, and when combined with Trianum, a diverse and balanced relationship between the plant roots and substrate is established. This relationship is developed further with the introduction of Fortafol-D, which strengthens the crop to deal with abiotic stress. The combination of these products results in a resilient and robust crop.
It is recommended that applications commence as early as possible, in order to be proactive in the development of a sustainable root environment.

Roots and Exudates
Vidi Parva stimulates root growth and promotes root quality. A healthy root system will release exudates into the rhizosphere (substrate around the roots) as part of a proactive defence. Vidi Parva promotes the development of disease-suppressing bacteria around the roots.

Propagation: 300 – 500 ml per 1000 m2, at root emergence
Stimulating roots and exudates: 200 – 300 ml per 1000 m2

Beneficial Microbes
Trianum is a registered biofungicide containing T. harzianum T-22. It protects crops from soil-borne diseases (Pythium, Fusarium and Rhizoctonia). Many conventional root fungicides will have various growth inhibiting effects on the crop and the soil life when applied. Trianum actively supports crop growth, health and nutrient uptake.
Propagation: Trianum-G at 750 g/m3 incorporated into substrate OR Trianum-P at 1.5 g/m2
Production: Trianum-G at 375 g/m3 incorporated into substrate OR Trianum-P at 15 g per 1000 plants

Root Health and Condition
Fortafol-D is a water-soluble emulsion of humic and fulvic acids. A biostimulant that stimulates and strengthens the crop. Fortafol-D promotes the growth and condition of the plant, making it more resilient, and able to cope with sub-optimum growing conditions and abiotic stresses (e.g. environment, water, nutrition, etc.).

Propagation/soft tissue: 0.5 - 1 l/ha every 7 days
Maintain root condition: 100 ml per 1000 m2 every 7 -14 days
Stimulate/improve root condition after abiotic stress: 200 ml per 1000 m2, repeat after 5 days
Please consult the Koppert Side Effects Guide and App for further information on compatibility.