Control seed-borne diseases with Cerall
Fusarium, common bunt (Tilletia caries), glume blotch (Septoria nodorum) and foot rot (Microdochium nivale) are serious threats for wheat, rye, spelt and triticale crops. For most of these diseases, seeds are the primary carrier of the infection and can cause serious plant losses through damping off just after germination and seedling emergence. These diseases can also seriously affect the crop in a later stage.
Cerall offers a powerful weapon to protect the seeds against these pathogens while strengthening the plant at the same time.
Europe’s only microbiology-based biological seed treatment to protect against seed-borne diseases
What is Cerall
Cerall protects summer wheat, winter wheat, rye, spelt and triticale seeds. The product is a seed coating - the seeds are treated prior to sowing. Cerall remains effective on stored seeds for up to one year after application. Once the seeds have been sown, Pseudomonas chlororaphis MA 342 remains active on the roots until the fifth leaf development stage.
Why use Cerall
- Biological fungicide effective against a wide range of seed-borne diseases
- Combines a direct lethal effect and a long-lasting protection
- Improves plant growth and reduces abiotic stresses, resulting in improved crop yields
- Easy and safe to use
- Can be applied with existing seed-treatment equipment
- Effective in a wide range of conditions, including cold conditions
- Suitable for conventional and organic cultivation
- Leaves no residue and restores soil balance
- No chance on resistance development
- With a narrower range of products, Cerall is the future-proof solution against seed-borne diseases
Improves yield
Cerall doesn’t only protect your wheat, rye and triticale crops from seed-borne diseases such as Fusarium spp, it also improves overall crop growth:
Increased seedling emergence
Better ability to deal with abiotic stress
This results in improved yields and a positive return on investment.
How does Cerall work?
Cerall contains a high concentration of the Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain MA342 bacteria, which produces
- After the application of Cerall, a biofilm is created around the seed.
- The metabolites already present in Cerall have a direct inhibitory effect on various fungal diseases present on the seeds.
- The bacteria present in Cerall will stay inactive when the seeds are stored dry.
- After sowing, when water availability increases, the bacteria will become active and will rapidly start to multiply. This ensures that the seeds and first developing roots are quickly colonized.
- Subsequently, the bacteria will start to compete with other pathogens for nutrients and space and continue to produce metabolites. This will further inhibit the growth of other pathogens.
- Furthermore, the bacteria will stimulate the plant to start resistance reactions which, in turn, prevents other pathogens from successfully infecting the young plant.
Proven results: field trials
Extensive field trials have shown that Cerall is an effective seed treatment solution against various seed-borne fungi.
More information on seed-borne diseases in cereals
Seed-borne diseases are harmful to your crop and can have a big impact on your yield. Want to know more about these diseases and how to recognize them? Click on the links below:
- Fusarium spp.
- Tilletia caries
- Septoria nodorum
- Microdochium nivale