Ulti-Mite represents a significant advancement in the packaging of predatory mites, designed to enhance biological pest control across a wide range of crops. In 2016, we introduced this groundbreaking product variant to our product line, which previously consisted of bottles and paper bags. The innovative Ulti-Mite sachet, made from 100% industrial compostable foil, allows predatory mites to thrive and build strong populations, especially in suboptimal conditions.
Why Ulti-Mite predatory mite sachets?

Humidity resistance
Ulti-Mite sachets are uniquely designed to withstand both low and high levels of humidity, making them ideal for use in environments where traditional paper sachets are prone to dry out and perform less.
Extended release
The breeding sachets function like a continuous engine, allowing predatory mites to reproduce within the sachet and gradually emerge over a period of 4-6 weeks.
Moisture retention
Ulti-Mite's special foil material retains essential moisture, ensuring the mites can complete their reproductive cycles without interruption. Without proper moisture, the reproductive process would halt.
Fully industrial compostable
Ulti-Mite sachets are crafted from specially developed foil that is 100% industrial compostable, meaning they can be responsibly disposed of along with crop waste. Additionally, the moisture-resistant hooks used to hang the sachets ensure they remain effective and secure when applied outdoors.
How do predatory mite sachets work?
The Ulti-Mite predatory mite sachet is specifically designed to support continuous reproduction of predatory mites under challenging climatic conditions. Similar to other sachet products, the feeder mite population inside increases, creating a sustainable food source for the predatory mites to build new populations.

Swirski Ulti-Mite: A secure choice
Our first natural enemy utilizing the Ulti-Mite sachet was Amblyseius swirskii, branded as Swirski Ulti-Mite. Since its market debut in 2006, this beneficial has been a resounding success and has become one of our most frequently produced beneficials. This predatory mite has proven to be especially effective in crops such as cucumber, sweet pepper, rose, and gerbera, offering reliable pest control in biological pest management systems. Since 2016, the Ulti-Mite version of Amblyseius swirskii has been on the market. Nowadays the Ulti-Mite sachet is also available for our predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus (Spical Ulti-Mite) and Transeius montdorensis (Montdo Ulti-Mite).
Future prospects
The water-resistant foil used for Ulti-Mite opens up new possibilities in outdoor crop protection, such as citrus cultivation. The innovative packaging allows for stable and reliable pest control, outperforming similar products in suboptimal climates. Whether you’re growing peppers, strawberries, melons, or citrus fruits, in tunnels or open fields, or in consistently humid environments. Its patented system safeguards predatory mites from both excessive moisture and dehydration, ensuring successful integrated pest management in even the most challenging conditions.